I am a fully qualified UK primary school teacher who is still teaching full time. I have experience teaching in all year groups in Key Stage 2. All resources that feature on my webpage have been handmade by myself to fit in line with the current English National Curriculum. I am most proud of my maths resources, hence the alias 'The Maths Man', and I welcome your feedback.
I am a fully qualified UK primary school teacher who is still teaching full time. I have experience teaching in all year groups in Key Stage 2. All resources that feature on my webpage have been handmade by myself to fit in line with the current English National Curriculum. I am most proud of my maths resources, hence the alias 'The Maths Man', and I welcome your feedback.
All my resources include a customizable Microsoft word copy so that you can edit to meet the needs of your students. I have also included PDF files for ease of printing.
This resource gives you everything you need to teach fun and engaging differentiated science experiment lesson, teaching your students what refraction is. In this resource you will find a PowerPoint presentation that is an easy to follow, step by step guide on how to complete the experiment. You will also find embedded videos of refraction and that will be very useful in getting your students to understand refraction. The best thing about this experiment; you only need 3 pieces of equipment: a beaker/glass, water and a pencil!
After completing this experiment, I have also included videos that should provide next steps and further learning through simple ‘mini experiments’ and a 22 minute video.
This premium resource includes a helpful and easy to understand powerpoint which explains what a light source is in a way children will understand. The powerpoint also includes a fun activity that all children enjoy guessing and discussing in partners.
In addition, the resource includes a cutting and sticking activity that can be put into an exercise book. In the activity the children will need to cut out pictures of man-made or natural light sources. They will then stick them into the correct section of a simple table. To stretch and challenge the learning, I have also included pictures of some common misconceptions regarding light sources such as; diamond ring, cat’s eyes and the moon.
Excellent resource that children of all abilities can access and differentiate by outcome.
Before giving this activity to the children, we had already learnt about solids, liquids and gases. We discussed the structure of each.
The higher ability children will most probably come up with more interesting, real life examples whereas the lower ability children may need some support thinking of examples. Videos or real life examples would be great to help this.